
Pan-european press portal

The digital press hub for vehicles, motorcycles and corporate news.

As the responsible agency, in the third iteration we provided Honda’s digital press hub with a targeted feature set and online services such as media galleries, file exchanges and press kits for journalists.


Requirements for the further development of the press portal included a visual subdivision of the Corporate, Car and Motorcycle divisions as well as an extensive search and filter function for all content areas in order to provide journalists with the content they were looking for even faster.

Honda Motor Europe North

Honda Media Newsroom Assets Honda Media Newsroom Assets Honda Media Newsroom Galerie

Project insights

As part of our 10-year customer relationship, we have steadily developed the usability in the frontend and backend in order to optimize the different workflows for the customer and journalists.

The offered texts, picture and video materials are editorially linked. The “Related Content” thus offers the journalist further information. With filter options, the display can be individually limited across languages ​​in the Car, Motorcycle and Corporate segments.

Registered journalists are offered both local and pan-European content.

Honda Media Newsroom Presseportal Assets
Projekt Assets

With its extensive administration structure, the backend serves the content management of the local markets and the european headquarters.

The customized backend provides a feature set of web-based workflow optimization applications, such as fleet management, exhibit management, event scheduling, and an internal document exchange platform.

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